My Musings
Musings – a period of reflection or thought; an act of recalling past events.
Enter, if you will, into my world of inspiration, ideas, or just some crazy daydreaming. Be warned, many people have gone in; not many have survived.

The Identity Quest
“All you do is eat, sleep, and watch TV.” Those were the words from my firstborn, Tyler, his senior year of high school.

The Writing Challenge
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch Are you familiar with NaNoWriMo? I had no clue.

My, What Lovely Adjectives You Have
I sat in the back row of my first-ever continuing education class called Writing for Fun. A lady in her nineties gave us writing prompts.

Stephen King And A Lesson In Authenticity
I’m a mother of two boys who loves Star Wars and Marvel—stories where good prevails over evil, and a knight in not-so-shiny armor thinks he rescued the girl.

Inspiration Strikes
For the past three years, I’ve spent every morning throwing the ball to my dog, Gunner. I’ve endured the rain, snow, and wind, checking my

The Magic Of Pandaren
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Strength, the ability to fly, invisibility? The desire to be special lies in all of

Do You Suffer From Self-Doubt?
“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” Sylvia Plath As an aspiring author, having finished my first novel and entering the world of agents and

Feeling Stuck?
“You can’t edit a blank page.” (Jodi Picoult) Have you ever felt stuck? Maybe with a creative project, a fitness program, trapped in a job

Show, Don’t Tell
“Show the readers everything. Tell them nothing.” (Ernest Hemingway) In the writer’s world, there aren’t necessarily rules but guidelines, unless you are Stephen King or J.

Boost Your Confidence
“Confidence does not come from dreaming. It comes from doing.“ Jerry Jenkins (author of the Left Behind series).

Kill Your Darlings
Part of the grueling writing process is revision, which means cutting. Many times an author needs to remove a scene or character they love because it simply doesn't work for the overall story.

My Own Worst Enemy
In writing, one of the first things I learned was a story must have tension. In fact, author C.S. Laken teaches about four main pillars of a story and one of those is “conflict with high stakes.“

Is Your Eye Twitching?
In my last blog, I mentioned the six types of conflict in a story. Conflict is so important because tension moves the plot forward. It also helps develop the main character (MC).

A Little Self-Care Goes a Long Way
Did you know that September is Self-Improvement Month? The Cambridge Dictionary defines self-improvement as “the activity of learning new things on your own to make you a more skilled or able person.“

What do You Fear?
Spiders🕷? Heights? Scary movies? That hair on your chin that no one tells you about? Everyone fears something — some of those fears are rational and some are not.