Who is Cassie?

As a child, Cassie wanted superpowers and to be like Princess Leia, fighting the Empire alongside unlikely heroes. She also wanted a pet tiger. Suffice it to say, she lost herself in books, from fantasy to sci-fi to a suspenseful romance.
Cassie grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, graduating with a degree in marketing, and marrying her husband, Louie. After a few years in the business world, she became a stay-at-home mom, raising her two sons, Tyler and Chase. Her passions in life are her faith and her family. And now, writing—creating worlds where adventure awaits.

Writing a novel had swirled in the back of Cassie’s mind since she was young, but she didn’t pursue it until the empty nest loomed in front of her and vacant bedrooms had her asking, “now what?” She ferociously learned the craft of writing, and after more than a year of characters arguing in her head, she finished her award-winning debut novel, Chasing the Darkness in 2021. The sequel and winner of eight awards, Embracing the Darkness, released in 2022, and the final book in the Darkness Trilogy, Conquering the Darkness released in 2023. What adventure will Cassie embark on next? Only magic knows.
Her first love of all that’s magical is Harry Potter; however, she’s still surprised the Sorting Hat put her in Slytherin, even though her family is not.
Cassie lives and works out of her home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she enjoys coffee and sunrises, golfing with her husband, and pestering her two adult children.